Part pricelist

Need to check the cost of a part?
Check out our pricelist!  
Bring your own tools & pull your own part

pull your parts

Simply bring your tools, remove the part yourself, and enjoy affordable, high-quality used auto parts.

vehicle inventory

To guarantee that you find the part you need, take advantage of our Vehicle Inventory search feature.

Sell your used vehicle

We buy cars, trucks, vans, and SUV's, in any condition

Fill out a form to request a quote!

Plan your pull

Visit our well-maintained yard, organized by row, where you'll find an extensive selection of Cars, Trucks, Vans, and SUVs to choose from when pulling your desired parts.

• We do not allow jacks, torches, or grinders.

• No open toe shoes.

• A lubricating spray such as WD-40 can be helpful in loosening parts.

• We accept cash, credit card, and business checks

• Must be 16+ with ID for entry.

• Admission fee $3.00 cash or card.

• Last entry @ 4:30. No exceptions.

• Familiarize yourself with the yard map. It will help you find the vehicles you want to check. 

455 Hwy 82 NW
Poulan, GA